Publication date and time of rss feed

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Re: Publication date and time of rss feed

by Kevin » August 29th, 2024, 4:34 am

Hello! and thank you for bringing this back up!
The date displayed for an article should come from one of the updated, pubdate, or dc:date fields.
Do you have an example of a feed where the dates do not seem be listed properly?


Re: Publication date and time of rss feed

by Guest » August 7th, 2024, 4:36 pm

[quote=Nordorn post_id=518 time=1293743997]
Dear Kevin!

I think it would be good, if you implemented the exact publication date and time of rss feeds. I mean, after refreshing feeds, only date and time of refreshing is shown and I don't know publication date of specific rss feed.


Publication date and time of rss feed

by Nordorn » December 30th, 2010, 9:19 pm

Dear Kevin!

I think it would be good, if you implemented the exact publication date and time of rss feeds. I mean, after refreshing feeds, only date and time of refreshing is shown and I don't know publication date of specific rss feed.

