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by Kevin
September 11th, 2024, 4:56 am
Forum: Bug Report
Topic: ipadOS 17.2 - URL address field has vanished
Replies: 7
Views: 65967

Re: ipadOS 17.2 - URL address field has vanished


I was very much hoping that the fix for the vanishing URL thing would be sufficient. Here's to hoping there will be far fewer embarrassing bugs that you have to waste your time chasing down and that you can spend your time enjoying the news.

Thanks Again!
by Kevin
August 29th, 2024, 4:34 am
Forum: Feature Request
Topic: Publication date and time of rss feed
Replies: 2
Views: 86859

Re: Publication date and time of rss feed

Hello! and thank you for bringing this back up!
The date displayed for an article should come from one of the updated, pubdate, or dc:date fields.
Do you have an example of a feed where the dates do not seem be listed properly?

by Kevin
March 22nd, 2024, 10:27 pm
Forum: Questions
Topic: Where is my app?
Replies: 1
Views: 35793

Re: Where is my app?

Hello Gesso,

Thank you for very much for bringing this to my attention. Everything should be sorted out and back to normal now.
Thank you, again and my apologies for any inconvenience.
by Kevin
March 3rd, 2024, 10:35 pm
Forum: Questions
Topic: How to import an OPML file?
Replies: 2
Views: 22433

Re: How to import an OPML file?


How about something like this flow, starting from the add feed button?
Initially being released with limited functionallity, with category aware loading, feed images and add multiple features coming down the line?
Simulator Screenshot - iPad mini (6th generation) - 2024-03-03 at 01.01.58.png ...
by Kevin
January 6th, 2024, 7:06 am
Forum: Bug Report
Topic: ipadOS 17.2 - URL address field has vanished
Replies: 7
Views: 65967

Re: ipadOS 17.2 - URL address field has vanished

It is comforting to know that in this era of news outlets of dubious credibility, there are still those that maintain the highest levels of journalistic integrity. :D

Thank you for the screenshot and info. After poking around for a bit, I may have stumbled across a way to reproduce the ...
by Kevin
January 5th, 2024, 6:24 am
Forum: Bug Report
Topic: ipadOS 17.2 - URL address field has vanished
Replies: 7
Views: 65967

Re: ipadOS 17.2 - URL address field has vanished


I have tried out the latest version 5.12 on various simulated iPads running 17.2 and the address bar does show in all with the exception of the split view + portrait orientation on the iPad mini, due to the lack of space for any additional controls. I'm working on grabbing a physical iPad ...
by Kevin
December 28th, 2023, 1:15 am
Forum: Bug Report
Topic: iOS/iPadOS scrollbars have vanished!
Replies: 3
Views: 48227

Re: iOS/iPadOS scrollbars have vanished!

That is fantastic! I am very happy to hear it and I must say than you, once again, for sharing.
Have a happy new year!
by Kevin
December 25th, 2023, 7:36 am
Forum: Bug Report
Topic: iOS/iPadOS scrollbars have vanished!
Replies: 3
Views: 48227

Re: iOS/iPadOS scrollbars have vanished!

Another quality bug report courtesy of the exceedingly quality fluffybear. My not so keen powers of observation had failed to miss the mysterious missing scroll indicators, so there is much appreciation indeed to you for lending your much more finely attuned skills.

The missing scroll indicators ...
by Kevin
March 8th, 2023, 6:33 am
Forum: Bug Report
Topic: xfeed parsing crash? [Open]
Replies: 24
Views: 382851

Re: xfeed parsing crash? [Open]

Hello Si!

Thank you for posting the crash!

xFeed is crashing when it trying to read the feed image for the feed.

As a workaround, if you would like to continue to use this feed until the fix can be released, you can change the feed image to a known safe one for the time being (eg ...
by Kevin
February 20th, 2023, 5:20 am
Forum: Feature Request
Topic: Swipe Up
Replies: 1
Views: 32496

Re: Swipe Up

Thank you for the request! That’s a great idea. It is 2023, we shouldn’t have to contort out thumbs to switch articles.
Very much appreciated