Need way to add known feed[Solved]
Need way to add known feed[Solved]
Just went into favorites and wanted to manually add in feeds that I know exist in Sharepoint portals and the add feature doesn't seem to have a way to just type in a known feed w/o going through a discovery process that failed. Not sure if it is because the site uses SSL, but what I do know is that other RSS tools support the sites tried w/o any problems. This is such a great tool as a whole, but we need to be able to add in known feeds for our personal favorites to supplement what is in the system.
Re: Need way to add known feed

Now, about your gripe. It sounds like you are accessing a resource on an internal network, so asking for a link to try seems out of the question. Anyways, it sounds like your initial diagnosis is correct. There is no easy way to add a feed which is accessible strictly via https. If there is a resource which is available by http and redirects to https it should be accessed just fine. This behavior will have to be changed. It is also important to note that xFeed will not be able to access a feed which is on a page which requires authentication. If you reach a feed which requires authentication, you should receive a message stating that authentication is not currently supported.
For a bit of clarification. When adding a feed it is possible to add a feed when you know the exact address of the feed. Part of said discovery process is checking if the entered address is in fact a feed. For example, when on the add feed screen, if you enter "" xFeed will prompt you to add the feed at that location. What is the error message, if any, that you are receiving? If you are certain that you have the proper feed address and xFeed is still reporting that no feed is found, it is quite possible that it is unable to determine the type of feed to begin parsing. Gonna have to take a look around and see how Sharepoint constructs its feeds.
It is surprising and also very exciting to see people wanting to use xFeed for more than it was initially designed for. Which was a simple news reader to pass a few minutes of time. Knowing that you guys want to push xFeed to do more will push it to live up to your expectations.
Thanks for taking the time to share your gripes!
Re: Need way to add known feed
Thanks for the gripe!
Adding https:// feeds will be supported in xFeed 2.0.2
Adding https:// feeds will be supported in xFeed 2.0.2