iTunes Links [Solved]

Have a feature you would like to see in xFeed?
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Joined: June 14th, 2010, 4:01 am

iTunes Links [Solved]

Post by now4real954 »

I love this app...omg I will never use my macbook for RSS feeds again...with one big exception to me

I get the feed and I would love to be able to access the links for the iTunes apps thru the built in browser...I was very surprised when I clicked on something and it didn’t open Safari...and that was a pleasant experience until it came to trying to click an iTunes link and actually have it go to iTunes on the iPad

so my request is...can when you hold your finger on a link and you get the pop down menu can you add open in Safari as an option as apposed to just Open and Copy

because somethings need to be opened in Safari to get to where you want to go with it...clicking on the iTunes links in this amazing app...just takes you to the app preview page where at the top it tells you to go get iTunes...of which you can't do on the in order for the link to work it needs to be opened in Safari to tell the iPad to go to the AppStore or iTunes Store

thank you for your time...I'm sure there are other reasons that an addition will come in handy by others using this SWEET app...and thank you for creating it...cuz like I said it's such a better experience than the other option I have been using for years...let me know if it will ever happen

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Joined: June 14th, 2010, 4:01 am

Re: iTunes Links

Post by now4real954 »

and hey...I just noticed you have

iTunes Top 25 Songs as a pre-installed feed...what's up with that?

and no ability to access these songs to purchase I know we need this added to the app...

please please please please...thank you in advance
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Joined: April 26th, 2009, 6:18 pm

Re: iTunes Links

Post by Kevin »

Thanks, no, seriously. Thank you, you are very kind.
The open with safari option will be coming in the next version along with compatibility for the new IOS4 here in a couple of days.
As far as buying things from the iTunes preview website that comes up when you click a link, gonna have to see more about that. xFeed is kind of at the mercy of what functionality the page provides, but there could be some good options.
Posts: 3
Joined: June 14th, 2010, 4:01 am

Re: iTunes Links

Post by now4real954 »

thanks...look forward to the safari links because the iTunes links will work fine that way too...just have to do the open in...option instead of just clicking it

let me know when the new version is coming out?
Posts: 198
Joined: April 26th, 2009, 6:18 pm

Re: iTunes Links

Post by Kevin »

The new version should be in the store today!
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