New 3.0 version crashes [Solved]
Still under development?
is it still under developmetn? I was just wondering since there havent been any updates and on iOS 6 it crashes when updating feeds...
is it still under developmetn? I was just wondering since there havent been any updates and on iOS 6 it crashes when updating feeds...
Re: Still under development?
sorry... this thread can be closed since there have been lots of other ios 6 related posts and i noticed that u are working on it, which is really great though 

Re: XFeed Crashing Quitting When Update Feeds
Hello and thank you for the enthusiasm! You guys are awesome! This is indeed an issue with iOS6. The issue has been isolated and removed. Going to fix a couple of other things this weekend and get the update into Apple. Thanks for enjoying xFeed!
Re: !! Crashing in iOS6 !!
Okay folks, let.s be fair. Kevin answered my post all of four minutes after I posted my followup. I was astonished. IOS 6 is far from a trivial OS update, and I suspect the fix is not exactly trivial as well.
Thar hasn.t stopped from checking the App Store every 15 minutes.
If nothing else, this demonstrates how much I've grown to appreciate and need this app. Its become part of my daily routine, morning and night.
I soon as we get a verified fix, I'm heading straight back to the App Store to that positive review I've been forgetting about.
Thar hasn.t stopped from checking the App Store every 15 minutes.

If nothing else, this demonstrates how much I've grown to appreciate and need this app. Its become part of my daily routine, morning and night.
I soon as we get a verified fix, I'm heading straight back to the App Store to that positive review I've been forgetting about.
Re: !! Crashing in iOS6 !!
Coolness! You even beat me to the reply. Its impressive to me that you give this app this much prompt attention.
Re: !! Crashing in iOS6 !!
Hey, thanks Lee and everyone.. It's cool to know people actually use this thing! And wouldn't you know, the one time I don't test it out with the beta versions......