Username/Password Protected feeds [Solved]

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Username/Password Protected feeds [Solved]

Post by Lerxt »

Does this app support UN/PW protected feeds? I work for a company that gets RSS feeds from our hardware vendor, but you have to have an account to access them. I can get them on my PC, but would love to get them on my mobile phone. If this is not currently a feature, I'd like to see it added. Thanks!
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Joined: April 26th, 2009, 6:18 pm

Re: Username/Password Protected feeds

Post by Kevin »


You know, I'm not really sure. I suppose it would depend on the method they use to password protect the feeds. Try it out and let me know. If you run into any issues, I'll see what can be done to fix them.
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Re: Username/Password Protected feeds

Post by forumadmin »

Support for digest/realm protected content has been added in xFeed 4.0.
Not sure if that solves your issue, but I am an optimist and as such I am marking this solved!
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