Members only feed [Solved]

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Members only feed [Solved]

Post by PegMc »

I added a members only feed to my iTouch and it works. I can't seem to get that same feed to work on my iPad. I have tried the easy way, and adding feed to the front of the URL on Safari. I think that!s how I got it on my iTouch.

Can you help?

Posts: 198
Joined: April 26th, 2009, 6:18 pm

Re: Members only feed

Post by Kevin »

Not sure of the exact situation here, my only suggestion would be try replacing the "http://" with "xfeed://" as opposed to "feed://." Using "xfeed://" will open the feed with xFeed, using "feed://" will open the feed with Safari's built in reader. Hope it works out for you! If you have any problems, feel free to stop on by!
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