Is there a way to unlock articles? [Solved]

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Joined: December 8th, 2010, 6:12 pm

Is there a way to unlock articles? [Solved]

Post by jetcon »

My fingers tend to wander on my iPad and I frequently - accidentally - lock an article. Is there a way to unlock the article without deleting it?
Posts: 198
Joined: April 26th, 2009, 6:18 pm

Re: Is there a way to unlock articles?

Post by Kevin »

Hello again!

Alas, there is not. The thought process for that was that if an article was locked, it was meant to be saved for a later time. Once the article was no longer wanted, it could be safely deleted.
This didn't take into account an accidental lock, or anything else, for that matter.
I would expect future versions to allow you to unlock an article in the same manner in which they were locked in the first place, except backwards.
Posts: 198
Joined: April 26th, 2009, 6:18 pm

Re: Is there a way to unlock articles? [Solved]

Post by Kevin »

Unlocking is now supported via the lock icon as of version 2.2.1!
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